
Getting back on your bike? #starttobikeagain

With its #starttobikeagain campaign, Cyclis wants you to rediscover your love for cycling. Everyone uses their bike, from children to students. But when ‘grown up’ life begins, your bike may not be given the attention it deserves. We are inviting you to get back on your bike and use it more often, particularly for the work commute.

Submit a reminder here

Create new memories

Cycle your way to a healthier future and enjoy fantastic experiences together. Are there any special moments you have experienced thanks to your bike? Share them here and inspire others to do the same.

Read about other people’s memories

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We want to involve you, as a business, at the heart of the #starttobikeagain campaign. Use our folders and posters. Download our social media posts and banners and order a promo-pack for your employees.


Is your company The ‘Happiest Place To Bike’?

Cycling employees always feel good; they have rediscovered the joy of moving under their own steam, which provides health benefits too. But this experience is not always clearly communicated.

So, we are launching the labels ‘Happy Place To Bike’ and ‘Happiest Place To Bike’ for businesses who love bikes. Of course, many businesses already focus on bikes and cyclists. But you can always do a bit more. The ultimate goal of this campaign is to get everybody back out on their bikes. For personal well-being, for the environment, for improved mobility and for a better company image. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Would you like your cycling efforts rewarded with a certificate? Then take the test and we will let you know how bike-friendly your company really is.

Take the test

Get back to cycling with a Cyclis lease bike

Cyclis distinguishes itself with a super-supportive and tax-friendly cycling plan for businesses and their employees. You choose your favourite bike, including accessories, from a local bike shop of your choice. Cyclis can offer a local service throughout the country due to its collaborations with over 1,200 bike shops. The lease format includes services such as comprehensive insurance, maintenance and breakdown assistance. That’s why in just seven years, Cyclis has expanded to become the biggest Belgian bike leasing company, with a market share of 25 to 30%.

Interested in the lease format? Visit www.cyclis.be!

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